Long House

Location: Winchester, UK
Size: 2,300 SF
Value: £300,000
Team: Dan Brill, Ashley Ford, Fred Gardiner, Steph Wynn
Photography: Edmund Sumner

Exploiting an unusually long suburban site, the form of this project is driven by a planning requirement to maintain uniformity of houses in the road.

The exterior or the original house was preserved but the entire interior was removed, providing a spacious open-plan living area within a double-height volume. Bedrooms and bathrooms are contained within a new single-story wing that skewers the existing house and opens onto a terrace at the rear.

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2011

Winner of the RIBA Downland Prize 2012

Winner of the Daily Telegraph Homebuilding & Renovating Awards 2012


Poolside Pavilion


Greenhill Road